The economic and ecological crisis is worsening at an unchecked rate: unemployment is rising and workers’ rights are being suspended. People are losing their base of existence as environmental disasters become more frequent. Violence against FLTIQ+ is increasing. Hundreds of people dying in search of protection as a result of the racist asylum policy of the EU and Switzerland. In the wake of the CoVid19 pandemic and the climate crisis, the exploitation of the majority of the population is increasing. Meanwhile, systemic violence is defending the status quo with increasingly obvious means.
Recently, more and more people have begun to organize themselves, to experience mutual solidarity and to resist oppression. In Kurdistan, people are fighting for territory to build a communalist, grassroots democratic society, which is supposed to be anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal. The feminist movement has experienced a global upswing, which has been shown on a historic scale by the Feminist* Strike on 14 June 2019. Last autumn, several million people merged on the streets at climate demonstrations around the world, campaigning for a future worth living. In January this year, the world’s largest strike in history took place in India. 250 million people stood up against discrimination and for labour rights. In Spain, a rent strike was called under the slogan “No cobramos, no pagamos”, “No wages, no rent”, to stand up for a life in dignity and to question property rights.
And the Black Lives Matter movement is currently uniting populations against racist discrimination and police violence against BIPoC.
In recent months, as well in Switzerland, more and more collectives and networks have been formed alongside the existing movements and organizations, offering an alternative to this poor conditions and helping to regain self-determination: Trotzphase as well as the Care Work Unite-campaign consists of people who perform paid or unpaid care, support or nursing work They are fighting for fair working conditions for these #systemrelevant social tasks. Under the slogan “Solidarity against Corona”, self-organized support services for labour, legal and health issues were set up. The Migrant Solidarity Network (MSN) campaigning for disfranchised people in Switzerland.
This list is only offering a vague idea of networks and actions and is intended to be a small foretaste of what may follow.
With this call we want to encourage all people to organize themselves or to join existing ones. On the 11th of July, let’s make visible, in the whole city of Zurich, that it is time to combine all our struggles and live solidarity every day. Only united it will be possible to develop the power to overcome the existing system.
Together we will fight capitalism. A better world is possible!